This month for the first time in years my scales tell me I am now under 70kg (154 pounds) - a major milestone for me. Down 6 kg from my heaviest point last year (14 pounds/1stone).
But more significant are the changes to my body that I can now see and appreciate. Today, for the first time in years I went trouser shopping and didn't end up feeling fat.
I've been vaguely aware of my waist shrinking but didn't want to go to the shops in hope that I'd dropped a dress size just to be disappointed, so I held off. But last week I caught sight of myself in a mirror and realised my waist high trousers had become hipsters with the crotch almost down to my knees!!
So today after work I nipped to the shops and treated myself to some new work trousers and was delighted to discover I have most certainly dropped a dress size. Most of my size 14 trousers are now waiting to go the charity shop as I will NOT be needing those again!!
It's such an encouraging boost to see the changes and to begin to reap the benefits of all of my hard work. Next milestone - Size 10 and under 65kg (approx. 10 stone)