Sunday, 25 July 2010

Weekly Weigh-in - 25/07/10

This weeks weight loss is no doubt due to being unwell, not the most ideal way to lose weight but it still feels nice to see that I've lost 1 kilo. Sadly once I'm on the mend that'll no doubt balance out. Ah well, I can enjoy it while it lasts!

My new weight is: 72.7 kg (160.3 lbs).

Week weight loss: 0.6 kg

Total weight loss: 1.1 kg

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Week 4 update

Well this week started out well - Monday morning I was up bright and early at 5:50 and I ran the 2.8 mile route I like to do. I completed it in about 25 minutes. I'm definitely speeding up and finding it much easier to run the full route, which feels really good.

Sadly however I came down with a nasty stomach bug which had me in hospital for blood tests and has wiped out my running for the rest of the week. I've had to pull out of the planned 10k race that I was due to run on Sunday as I'm still not 100% recovered.

It's frustrating as I could begin to see progress with my running, but there's no point in pushing my body too hard at this stage of my training. If something like this were to happen closer to the marathon day I don't know how I'd manage it, but fingers crossed I'll not suffer too much of this over the next 9 months!

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Weekly Weigh-in - 18/07/10

After another week of taking it easy with the diet and also taking it easy with the running I wasn't overly surprised by my weight gain this week. Early days and all that.

My new weight is: 73.3 kg (161.6 lbs).

Week weight gain: 0.3 kg

Total weight loss: 0.5 kg

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Week 3 update

My rest last weekend did me good as this week I was back fighting fit.

Tuesday morning was a shock to the system being back out running again, but it felt good. I ran the 2.8 miles in good time, running pretty much the whole way.

Thursday however wasn't so pleasant. It was raining, it was grey and I struggled to find my stride, but I battled on and did the full 2.8 miles in a decent time. At least the rain was a good motivator to keep me going!

Today I was planning on going running with the club, but as I had plans for the afternoon I went out earlier in the morning and did the full 5.4 mile circuit from my apartment, around Hyde Park and Kensington Park Gardens and back. It was a lovely morning and although I started out too fast, I slowed down and found a good stride which saw me all the way around the circuit. I managed to run just about the whole way, only stopping to walk short sections to cross roads and things. I was really pleased with my progress today and it set me up for feeling great for the rest of the day.

I play on running the same alternate day schedule this week, Mon, Wed, Fri and then on Sunday I'm signed up for doing a 10k race. I'm a bit unsure as to whether to go for it or not as I've never run that far before, but I reckon I should be able to do it, even if I do have to walk for parts of the race. It should be an interesting challenge at least!

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Weekly Weigh-in - 11/07/10

This past week I was much more relaxed about my diet - just focusing on running instead. For now I'm going to keep eating as normal (healthy but with treats - no calorie counting, focusing more in sensible portion sizes).

I was therefore pleased with my weight-loss this past week.

My new weight is: 73 kg (160.9 lbs).

Week weight loss: 0.9 kg

Total weight loss: 0.8 kg

Still to lose: approx. 13 kg (30 lbs)

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Week 2 update

This has been another good week of running for me. Still just building up the mileage and my fitness.

Monday I did 2.8 miles. I ran a good proportion of it, but there was some walking as I'm still getting used to it.

Wednesday was my best run yet. After work I ran 4.3 miles with the Serpentine Running Club (a full circuit of Hyde Park and Kensington Park Gardens). I met the other runners at Speakers Corner and we set off in one big group, everyone finding their own stride. As we spread out I found myself running next to another woman and we got chatting. Infact we didn't stop chatting till we'd completed the full 4.3 miles - running the whole way!!! We found a really good stride that suited us both and the chatting helped to keep our minds off of the running and we managed to cover much more ground, much more quickly than we thought we would, leaving us both feeling pretty fantastic.

Friday - I slept in so instead of doing my 2.8 mile route I did a shorter 2 mile route instead, and as I was short of time I ran much faster than normal, meaning I tired quicker and had to walk sections. But I'm glad I didn't use sleeping in as an excuse not to go running.

As for a long run this weekend - as I've already done a long run this week (on Wednesday) and I've done a great deal of walking over the course of Friday evening and Saturday while out shopping (clocking up more than 5 miles walking!) I decided to not go for a run this weekend as my body is quite achy.

My plan for this next week is to run Tuesday and Thursday mornings before work and then do a long run on Saturday. Keeping the alternate days schedule that's been working quite well for me so far.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Weekly Weigh-in - 04/07/10

This is my second weigh-in as part of my marathon training.

My new weight is: 73.9 kg (162.9 lbs).

Weight gain: 0.1kg

Still to lose: 13 kg (30 lbs).

I'll be honest - I'm a bit disappointed after eating well all week and running 4 times that I've not lost any weight at all. However I will persevere and hopefully I'll start to see some results soon!

The most important part of my training at the moment is simply building up my mileage to get my feet and joints used to the impact from running - that can't be rushed unless I want an injury!

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Serpentine Handicap Race - July

Today I ran in the Serpentine running club monthly handicap race in Hyde Park - two laps of the Serpentine, or 4.3 miles. It's a beautiful circuit with interesting obstacles such as swans sleeping on the path! It was good to be running with the club as I typically run solo - I met some new people and found my stride with a group of 3 other girls who I ran the race with. We managed to do 2 miles non-stop and only had to walk a couple times to catch our breath for the second lap, which we were quite proud of. It was such a great vibe, everyone is so friendly and of mixed abilities, it really makes you feel welcome. After stopping for drinks at the cafe for a chat afterward I made my way home feeling pretty darn good. A wonderful way to start the day!

***UPDATE*** The times are in and they are:- First lap 23mins 13s. Second lap 25mins 32s. Total time - 48mins 45s. ***UPDATE***

My First Week

Well it's only been a week so it's too early to start celebrating my commitment to this but I am still proud of my effort this week. The knowledge that this is me training for a marathon has driven me far more than any desire to lose weight or get fit has ever done in the past. Despite blisters, heat and work commitments I have managed to do all of the running that I planned out at the start of the week.

I've already posted about my run last Sunday and my race on Thursday. Tuesday morning I did a quick 2 mile run before work and managed to do it in about 20 minutes which I was quite pleased about. It felt good to be out running on a beautiful morning while the park was still quiet - even though I was half asleep when I started! By the time I was finished I felt GOOD!

This next week I have no races lined up. As my knees and hips are feeling a bit achy I think I'll spread my running out this next week and aim for Monday morning before work, Wednesday after work with the club, Friday before work and then Sunday do a longer run in the park. That gives me tomorrow off to rest which I think my poor joints will need!

Thursday, 1 July 2010

My First Race! 5k.

I just ran my first race - a 5k race between the different athletics/running clubs in London. There were a lot of serious runners there, all incredibly fit so I didn't feel bad about coming second last out of about 200 odd people.

Everyone was really friendly and really encouraging - it was great as I was really nervous about being the "new kid".

Afterward everyone kept asking me if I enjoyed it - honestly, no I thought I was going to die, I started to need a wee half way around and there were moments when I really felt like giving up. But I kept pushing myself thinking "On marathon day you can't just give up!" I ran most of the race, but I did stop to walk sections to catch my breath. The next 5k I run my aim is to run the entire thing - regardless of time.

Although I may not have enjoyed the race itself, the euphoria afterward is remarkable! I feel amazing! I'm so proud of myself and just feeling great. Even looking forwards to the next one!

I don't yet know my time, but once the club announces it I'll post it on here. It felt like it took FOREVER, but we'll see what my time actually was.

***UPDATE*** The times are in - I completed the race in 32mins 20sec. Not bad for my first time! ***UPDATE***